Ministry - Pastor Sujai

Broader Through Ministry, 11/19/2017 12:00:00 AM


Scripture: John 13

Ministry is a gift from God. It should be primarily to God. He invites us to serve along with Him, to partner with Him and not alone/all by ourselves. We need to know that we can’t do anything without Christ. We can do great things by depending entirely on Him. By using us for service, God helps us to be humble, to abide in the vine. God calls us not because we are great but inspite of the fact that we are weak. Eg: God can even use a donkey

Do not be proud that God is using you. Do not glorify your ministry above the God who gave you the ministry. Church should equally grow in depth and width with respect to faith. If church does not grow deep in faith and only wide, it will not be able to stand wrong doctrine/heresies.

1. Ministry is having Enduring Love.

Jesus loved his disciples till the end. He loved the unlovable. To grow in ministry, it is important to have enduring love for your fellow people. Jesus knew that he came from God and will be going to God. He had all the power and strength he needed for his ministry which he received from His father.

2. Ministry is being an Encouraging Model.

Jesus had all power and authority yet he stooped down by serving his disciples (washing the feet of his disciples). He is an encouraging model, leader by example. John 13:15

3. Ministry is about doing Empowering Service.

1 John 13:14 By washing the disciples’s feet, he made them to be part with him so that they will get strength and power to serve others/wash others’ feet.

1 John 3:16