Discipleship and Holy Spirit - Pastor Sujai

Deeper Through Discipleship, 10/15/2017 12:00:00 AM

Discipleship and Holy Spirit

Scripture: Book of John

Many times we pray that Holy Spirit should flow through us. But we should understand that if it doesn't flow in us, it can't flow through us. We can't be like a pipe through which Holy Spirit flows, but we need to be like a tank where Holy Spirit is contained in us and it can flow whenever required like a water tank.

Every aspect of our life should be touched by the Holy Spirit. Discipleship is all about living with the awareness of the consistent and tangible presence of God.

Functions of Holy Spirit in a disciple’s life:

  1. To be beside us
  2. Another counselor
  3. To inspire us

Activities of Holy Spirit

  1. Holy Spirit induced birth
  2. Holy Spirit inspired Worship
  3. Holy Spirit instructed Teaching
  4. Holy Spirit impacted conscience (sin, righteousness, judgement)
  5. Holy Spirit empowered Ministry