Rejoice in The Lord Always -

Deeper Through Discipleship, 10/30/2016 12:00:00 AM

Rejoice in The Lord Always

Scripture: Phil 4:4

Everyone wants to be happy. If you ask, the no.1 ambition of peoples’ life is “I want to be happy”. Happiness – dependent on happenings/circumstances We have no control on the happenings of our life. Then how can we be happy? Joy – dependent on Attitude and Choice -Make our lives enjoyable

How can we be joyful in this world? Rom 5 gives us 3 reasons

1. WE HAVE HOPE  Rom 5:1,2 We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God - For a Christian no situation is completely hopeless. Christians have hope. - People can live without food – 40 days, without water – 3 days, without air – 8 mins - Many people put heir hope in the wrong things such as good job, good looks, good family, property, stock market. All these are sinking sand but Christ alone is the solid rock. Rom 12:12  Be joyful in hope. The hope in Christ is the first reason we can rejoice even in difficult situations. HOPE: Earnest expectation of good.

2. GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES  Rom 5:3 “We also rejoice in our sufferings” because we know difficulty produces perseverance Suffering → Perseverance → Character → Hope Many people think they will be happy once suffering is over. But then this can never be true. JOY: Is not the absence of problems but the presence of God. Paul says we rejoice in our sufferings not because of our suffering. Since suffering produces perseverance, it is PRODUCTIVE However it can destructive making you bitter, angry, resentful. i) PERSEVERANCE:  is the ability to hang on when under pressure, to never give up and to keep keep on going.  Result: It produces character and confidence. ii) CHARACTER: Proven reliable iii) HOPE: not a wish but confidence in Christ’s power and promises. We rejoice in the problem bot for the problem – Choice Isa 1: 2-3 Rejoice when you go through trials of many kinds because testing of your faith produces perseverance.

3. GOD IS WITH US  - Great assurance as a believer
- Immanuel (God is with us) Isa 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. If God is for us, who can be against us? When God is with us, nothing can destroy you. No devil, no person, no angel.

1. Develop an attitude of Gratitude  1 Thess 5:18  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. - Happiest people are grateful people. - Gratitude produces more emotional energy than any other attitude. Ps 28:2 - My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in a song - Sing songs, hymns of praise unto God
2. Develop an attitude of Giving  Acts 20:35 ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ - Generous people are happy people 2 Cor 9:7 God loves a cheerful giver -  He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed -  Mal 3:10 “Test God” → Giving -  We cannot outgive God -   John 3:16 God gives and forgives -  You display attribute of God when you give.
3. Develop an attitude of Service  Mark 8:35 You must lose your life to save it Eph 6:7,8 Serve wholeheartedly – serving the Lord but not people for Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does People who serve others are happy people JOY  ---> JESUS – Others – You When you focus on helping others you will be joyful Find out how you can get involved in serving others.
4. Share the good news with others  First time you are really joyful is when you accepted Christ. And this joy continues when you share Christ with others. Luke 15:10 There is great rejoicing in heaven when a person comes to faith in Christ. Rom 10:1 Paul’s prayers and desire was that all Israelites maybe saved. Is that your desire? WORLD says ‘Live for yourself and forget others’ But the Lord says joy comes when we develop an attitude of gratitude by giving our 
material possessions, time and our knowledge of Good News – time, talent and treasure

 “An attitude of Gratitude      Beyond your aptitude            Will take you to an altitude       to influence  the Multitude”

CONCLUSION: Aim to maintain joy in your life inspite of the circumstances 1) Hoping in God 2) Knowing God’s purpose for every situation 3) Assurance that God is with you always

God Bless you.